AF40-6 tuning release



Optimization of AF40-6 Transmissions: Enhance Your Driving Experience

Modern automatic transmissions, like the AF40-6, represent high-tech engineering. These transmissions offer smooth shifting and adapt to the driver’s style. However, despite their sophisticated design, there is always room for improvement. By optimizing the transmission, you can achieve a more responsive and performance-oriented driving experience.

Stage 1: Basic Optimization, 3990 SEK

  • Torque limit increased to 450 Nm (400 Nm for gears 1-2).
  • Faster response during paddle shifts and reduced delay.
  • Optimized shift points in normal mode for improved fuel efficiency and lower RPM.
  • Reduced slippage and faster lockup in economy mode for increased drivetrain stability.
  • Offer: 1000 SEK discount when purchased together with engine optimization. (Note: Mackanized software is required.)

Stage 2: Advanced Customization, 7990 SEK

  • Tailored modifications according to the customer’s specific needs.
  • Elimination of automatic upshifts in manual mode for full control.
  • Downshifting at higher RPMs in manual mode, ideal for track driving.
  • Gear settings adapted for higher rev limits.
  • Torque limit increased to 500 Nm (450 Nm for gears 1-2).
  • Optimized shift points in sport and cruise modes.
  • Stage 1 modifications included.
  • 6 hours of adjustment and test driving for optimal performance.

Suitable for the following engines:

  • Saab/Opel/GM with AF40-6 transmission, including:
    • Z19DT / Z19DTH / A19DTH
    • Z19DTR / A19DTR
    • B207R XWD
    • B284E / B284L / B284R / Z28NET / Z28NER
    • A20NFT / A20NHT / B20NFT
    • A28NER

We have invested a lot of time to ensure that our optimization not only improves performance but also enhances the reliability of your transmission. The original software often limits the transmission’s full potential, but with our optimization, we can increase torque and still maintain all safety functionality such as limitations at high oil temperatures or over-rev protection.

Just like our engine optimizations, our transmission adjustments are tailored to each specific car model. With our optimization, you achieve a harmonious balance between the engine and transmission, leading to a superior driving experience.

Please note that the optimization is only performed at selected resellers, and Mackanized software is required. The transmission must be in good condition and recently serviced before optimization!

Resellers that can update the TCM can be found in the link in the main menu above.


2 responses to “AF40-6 tuning release”

  1. James avatar

    Can you recommend an upgrade agent for the NG95 AT6?
    I live in New York.

    1. There are currently no available agents in the New-York are. You will need to purchase a license and interface for PCMflash like the SM2 Pro.

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